Thursday, June 3, 2010

Quit Blaming Bush

For the last year and a half plus, we have continuously heard that President Bush is to blame for this and that. You know, I kind of expected that during Obama's campaign, even though I personally believe the blame placed on Bush for the economic disaster was completely unfounded. But, politicians don't really do a whole lot of fact checking before talking, especially the ones backed by the main stream media.

But now, Obama is almost 18 months into his presidency and he's still blaming Bush for his own failures. Bush wasn't the one that created a debt that will take a couple of lifetimes to pay down. Bush wasn't the one who went on a world apology tour that has caused every terrorist organization and sponsoring country in the world to lick its lips at the thought of striking a blow to the US. Contrary to popular belief, Bush didn't cause the Gulf oil spill. In case you're wondering who did, it was BP. It's their well, their rig, their operation. Bush had nothing to do with it. Bush isn't responsible for the double digit unemployment we see now. As a matter of fact, Obama told us his massive injections of cash into the economy would cause unemployment to stop at 8%. What a load of crap that was! And finally, Bush isn't responsible for Obama's approval rating dropping below 46%.

Yesterday, I got really tired of reading news reports about Bush being blamed for everything, including the Gulf oil spill. So I formed a Facebook group called Quit Blaming George W. Bush for Everything. Honestly, I did it as kind of a joke just to let off some steam, but it seems to have sprouted wings. More than 2/3 of the people who have joined the group are folks I've never had the pleasure of meeting, so apparently it's not just me and my friends that think this way.

So, if you are tired of people blaming W for everything, join our Facebook group and contribute some thoughts. Or, if you're a liberal who thinks Bush is to blame for everything evil and bad thing in the world and want to express your opinion, join the group and let us rip you to shreds. Your call.

1 comment:

  1. I love the fact that according to many democrats Bush was to blame for 9/11 which happened after Bush had been in office just over 7 months. But according to many democrats, Bush also deserves the blame for the BP spill which happened after Obama had been in office for over 15 months. I have always thought the idea that a president should be blamed/credited for whatever happens during his administration is silly because most major problems are very slow in the making, i.e. decade or more, but at least the people who follow this nonsensical thinking could be a little more consistent.
