Friday, July 2, 2010

Warning: This is a Rant

If you read the title to this post, consider yourself warned. There is so much crap going on right now that I really just need to vent some things. So please excuse the stream-of-consciousness style of this post.

I check out the Drudge Report on nearly a daily basis because I like to keep up with what's going on in the world. Almost every time I do I get so mad I just want to throw something. If you're a regular reader of Drudge, you know exactly why. Our current government is made up of the most incompetent, selfish, morally defunct, pieces of excrement on God's green earth. No, I'm not just talking about Democrats, although they are in power (and have been since 2006) and therefore are mostly to blame for the mess we're in. I am so sick of agenda-based decision-making. Case in point--the Gulf oil spill. One company screws up and Obama stops all off-shore drilling for 6 months to try to "figure out what went wrong." BP has a strong history of killing people and causing petroleum crises in this country. Why is anyone surprised that this happened? The 6 month moratorium will have the effect of raising energy prices and putting 10s of thousands of people out of work. All because the administration doesn't like fossil fuels!

Almost every day I read an article where a prominent Democrat is still blaming President Bush for the economic collapse, the Gulf oil spill, or the plight of the black man. I'm sick of it. Why can't anyone take responsibility for anything anymore!?! President Obama is 18 months into his administration. The Democrats have controlled Congress for almost 4 years. How in the world is all this stuff Bush's fault? Even if it is, Bush no longer has any power to do anything. Current elected officials do, but they choose to do nothing while blaming others who can't do anything about anyting.

Nancy Pelosi thinks handing out welfare checks is the fastest way to create jobs. Obama waited 70 days to accept help from foreign vessels to help clean up the oil spill. Obama is suing the State of Arizona for passing a law that allows state law enforcement to enforce federal immigration laws that the federal government refuses to enforce. Obama campaigned on a platform that demonized small businesses for having the audacity to want to make a profit. This is the President who made the comment of some CEOs that "at some point, you've made enough money" less than a year after he himself made over $5 million off the sale of his book! His entire political party continues to demonize the financially successful in this country. Apparently individuals should take on enormous financial risk and work really hard to build businesses for the sole purpose of handing out jobs to people. I don't know what fantasy land they live in, but it's certainly not reality. Rather than offering tax incentives and freeing up credit for small businesses--tactics that have a long history of creating jobs and strengthening the economy--this administration is hell-bent on finding ways to punish entrepreneurs. Our government is more concerned with giving refuge to and granting amnesty to 12 million illegal immigrants because if those folks are given the right to vote, they'll vote for Democrats. Never mind the fact that illegal immigrants are a huge drain on our social system and civil services. Never mind the fact that if you truly have a medical emergency you'll have to wait hours in the ER while illegal immigrants use ER docs as primary care physicians on the dime of the taxpayer, knowing full well that the ER can't turn them away on the basis that they can't pay. Nevermind the fact that illegal immigrants can claim injuries and sue American businesses for damages even though they are here illegally--and lawyers cannot ask them if they are here legally!

As a struggling small business owner, I'm sick and tired of taking responsibility for myself and being punished and demonized for it. I really feel like the more you try to take responsibility for yourself, the more this government tries to place the burden on you to take responsibility for everyone else too lazy to do so. When are people going to wake up and see what's happening. Quit blaming Bush, Fox News and entrepreneurs and get off your lazy butt and do something! If you don't like your life, no one is responsible for making it better except you!

Ok, that's all for now. Sorry to yell so much but I actually do feel a little better.


  1. You are gonna need to increase your store's revenues and take less pay because we need to extend unemployment benefits for those whose 99 weeks is running out. That means higher taxes for those who have won life's lottery, i.e. YOU. Deal with it.

  2. Time for a new post.
