Tuesday, February 3, 2009

So Much for Responsible Government: Part 2

This is getting a bit ridiculous. Since I posted So Much for Responsible Government just yesterday, 2 more Obama appointees have been caught in unethical and/or criminal dilemmas.

First, Chris Dodd, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, had to promise to refinance his Countrywide loans because of the sweetheart deals he got through his personal friend, the CEO. Wow, Mr. Dodd! How honorable of you to refinance now that mortgage rates are basically nothing! What a stand up guy!

Next, Obama's pick for chief performance officer (whatever the heck that is), Nancy Killefer, had to withdraw her nomination because she cheated on her taxes back in 2005.

This is getting completely out of hand. If I ever hear another liberal complain about how corrupt the republican party is, I think I may go postal on someone. In my humble, yet very serious personal opinion, I think all of this calls for an automatic IRS audit on any Obama nominee going forward. You should automatically be disqualified from high level government positions if you are a confirmed tax cheat. It seems like such a minimal standard to me, but apparently it's a much higher standard than I thought.

As a side note, it now makes a lot of sense to me why democrats are always wanting to raise taxes. It's not such a big deal to raise everyone else's taxes when you're not paying your own!

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