Friday, February 6, 2009

Obama: The 7 Year Old Cry Baby Version

We are less than 1 month into the Obama administration and he's already whining and crying about partisan politics and continues to contradict his campaign promises. The Senate is not rubber stamping his gigantic spending bill (which no one, other than partisan left wing hacks, believes will actually stimulate the economy), so he's pointing the finger at Senate republicans while saying, "I you have to do everything I say without questioning anything." Mr. Obama, suck it up and let Congress do its job...which is to provide checks and balances on you!

Here is a quote from the President himself talking about how the Senate should rubber stamp his "stimulus" package:

"They [Americans] did not choose more of the same in November," Obama said Friday. "They did not send us to Washington to get stuck in partisan posturing, to try to score political points. They did not send us here to turn back to the same tried and failed approaches that were rejected because we saw the results. They sent us here to make change with the expectation that we would act."

Mr. Obama, I would like to take this opportunity to point out that it is not the Republicans holding up passage of your precious stimulus package. It's the Democrats. Excluding one of the Minnesota Senate seats because of the ongoing legal challenges between Al Franken and Norm Coleman, and not counting the 2 independents, Joe Lieberman and Bernie Sanders, who vote mostly with the Democrats, the Democrats hold a 56-41 majority. If this bill were put to a vote right now and everyone voted down party lines, the bill would pass. So, what's the problem, Mr. Obama? The problem is that there are some from your own party that see this bill for what it is...I gigantic mistake that will assure this country stays in debt for the next couple of decades.

Obama spent his entire campaign talking about how he was going to move this country away from an attitude of fear and toward an attitude of hope. However, all he can talk about is devastation and catastrophe if his bill is not rubber stamped by Congress. He talked about how he was going to bring accountability back to the White House and Washington, but he has proceeded to nominate tax cheats and criminals to the highest offices in the country, and continues to support them even after their criminal acts were discovered. He promised not to appoint lobbyists to offices and agencies that they formerly lobbied, but promptly made several exceptions to that rule. He's endangering this country by throwing America under the bus so he doesn't offend some Muslim militants. He's getting rid of everything President Bush did to make sure another 9/11 didn't happen. You don't have to like President Bush, but you can't legitimately argue that he didn't make this country safer. Obama is going to destroy that. He's going to close Gitmo, effectively sending some very dangerous terrorists back to their homes to plan more attacks on Americans. And if we ever catch them again, he's going to make sure they have the same constitutional rights you and I have and that those charged with protecting us cannot possibly do their jobs.

So, you know what President Obama? Quit whining and crying when you don't get your way. Quit pointing at Republicans saying, "I won. Nana-nana-boo-boo." Quit thumbing your nose at people who disagree with you. Quit doing everything you blasted President Bush and Republicans for the last 8 years. Try exercising some true leadership and not juvenile playground politics. America is not quite ready for tyranny or a dictatorship, so it looks like you just might have to learn to get along with Congress.


  1. Since Obama’s earnest drive to convince the nation to weaken its economic strength through redistribution as well as weaken its national defense, have confirmed the very threats to our Republic’s survival that the Constitution was designed to avert, it no longer is sustainable for the United States Supreme Court and Military Joint Chiefs to refrain from exercising WHAT IS THEIR ABSOLUTE CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY TO DEFEND THE NATION FROM UNLAWFUL USURPATION. The questions of Obama’s Kenyan birth and his father’s Kenyan/British citizenship (admitted on his own website) have been conflated by his sustained unwillingnes to supply his long form birth certificate now under seal, and compounded by his internet posting of a discredited “after-the-fact” short form ‘certificate’. In the absence of these issues being acknowledged and addessed, IT IS MANIFEST THAT OBAMA REMAINS INELIGIBLE TO BE PRESIDENT UNDER ARTICLE 2 OF THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION. Being a 14th Amendment “citizen” is not sufficient. A “President” MUST BE an Article 2 “natural born citizen” AS DEFINED BY THE FRAMERS’ INTENT.

  2. The truth is that Obama won because of the county's economic problems. If the economy had been in been in good shape, it is unlikely that he would have won.

    Also, after 8 years of the media and democrats pushing lies and conspiracies involving Bush and Cheney the majority of the American people, who really don't know much about current events or politics, probably started to believe that nonsense.
