Monday, February 2, 2009

So Much for Responsible Government

After complaining for 8 years about the level of corruption in Washington, Obama doesn't seem particularly bent on cleaning anything up. First, VP Joe Biden is a known plaigarist. He got caught plagiarizing in law school and again as a presidential candidate in 1988. But, apparently stealing someone else's words and ideas is not all that serious of an offense.

Second, Timothy Geithner, Obama's pick for Treasury Secretary, was caught not paying taxes. This is the guy that is going to head up and oversee the IRS and the nation's economy. You would think tax evasion might play a more prominent role in deciding on this pick, but clearly Obama didn't think it was that big a deal.

Now, Tom Daschle, former senator and Obama's pick for Secretary of Health and Human Services, has been caught cheating on his taxes to the tune of $128,000 plus interest over a three year period.

Both Geithner and Daschle have apologized and assured the public these were just mistakes, but it makes me wonder whether any of this would have ever been discovered if these men were not being appointed to high ranking cabinet positions. It's amazing how remorseful cheats and liars are when they get caught and it might mean they don't get a promotion.

I won't even go into all the corruption surrounding the Clintons including, but certainly not limited to, Whitewater, campaign contributions from foreign nations, conflicts of interest that should have prevented Hillary from being confirmed as Sec. of State, and stealing things from the White House upon departure. And these are just the examples related to Hillary!

At the very least, this calls for a moratorium on democrat whining about how corrupt the GOP is. The pot needs to shape up and come clean before continuing to call the kettle names.


  1. Add this one to the list:

  2. Ha ha ha ha. This is fun. I am popping popcorn right now. I wonder how many more tax cheats will be found in his administration by the time my popcorn is finished?
