Wednesday, February 18, 2009

We're All a Bunch of Cowards!

Our new US Attorney General thinks we're all cowards for refusing to talk frankly about race relations in this country. What a freakin' moron!

I'm going to be really careful here to not generalize my comments to everyone (like Mr. Holder has done). Please understand that when I say "a lot of people", I don't mean everyone. And just to let you know, I'm not extremely comfortable with making this post because there are some people out there who will view it as racist. Since there's really nothing I can do to convince them otherwise, I guess I'll just have to live with the consequences. With that disclaimer and explanation, let's discuss this issue.

I'll be the first to admit that racism has not been extinguished in this country. However, I'll also vehemently disagree with anyone that says or thinks white people are the perpetrators of all racism or that black people are the recipients of all racism. If you remove the relatively small percentage of people who are still racist (typically those still clinging to the 1950s), there really isn't much of a problem. Even if you think there is a problem, I think it's probably safe to say that most white people are trying to let the issue go. However, there are some that refuse to let the issue die and keep throwing it back in our faces.

Here's a quote from Mr. Holder:

"It [racial matters] is an issue we have never been at ease with and, given our nation's history, this is in some ways understandable," Holder said. "If we are to make progress in this area, we must feel comfortable enough with one another and tolerant enough of each other to have frank conversations about the racial matters that continue to divide us."

Let's try out a hypothetical on this idea. Several of my neighbors are black, most of which I am friends with. What do you think would happen if I walked up to one of my black neighbors and said, "let's grab a cup of coffee and talk about why this country is so darn racist"? I don't think I really need to answer that question. No one wants to have that conversation, Mr. Holder, because it's pointless, not to mention extremely uncomfortable and potentially divisive, if it's not an issue for people.

Unfortunately there is nothing we can do to get people to quit being racist. People have their opinions, intelligent or not, and they are entitled to those opinions. The last thing anyone wants in this country is a "thought police." The black population of this country has been apologized to time and time again. There are federal and state laws in place to protect them from discrimination and even to give them an advantage over people of other races by mandating quotas (hiring, school admissions, etc.). There is not a single person still living that participated in the era of slavery and oppression that took place in this country, and I for one can tell you I do not like apologizing for things I didn't do and had no control over. Maybe the best thing to do is to just let it go. I won't ask you to apologize for things you didn't do and you don't ask me to apologize for things I didn't do. Fair enough? It's been 250 years since the end of slavery in this's time to move on.

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