Friday, February 27, 2009

Everyone is Racist, So It Seems

It was a fear a lot of us had when we found out Barack Obama was going to be the democratic presidential candidate. The chatter started on conservative talk radio about how opposition to Obama would be considered racist just because he is half black (although he was fully black for purposes of his campaign). Anytime someone questioned his executive experience, that person was labeled racist and accused to trying to oppress Mr. Obama because of his race. Anytime some questioned his motives, the race card was played. Heck, even Obama himself played the race card in a couple of debates.

Then, several weeks ago, some dude at the Washington Post drew a cartoon lampooning the drafter of the stimulus bill, comparing such person to a chimpanzee.

People cried foul, especially Al Sharpton. How could such blatant racism exist in the media today, they asked. Nevermind the fact that President Obama did not draft the stimulus bill. Nancy Pelosi was the culprit, but it's hard to play the race card when the butt of the joke is white.

Now we have this:

Mayor who sent watermelon e-mail says he'll resign

For those of you who are opposed to clicking on the convenient links I provide you (free of charge), this article talks about a California mayor who has agreed to resign because he emailed a picture to a few of his friends that depicted the White House lawn covered with watermelons with the title: "No Easter egg hunt this year".

Apparently this was taken by some to be a racist shot at black people because they enjoy watermelon. What the heck! Are you some how less of a person because you enjoy watermelon? Are you not supposed to eat watermelon unless you're black? My wife and I eat 5-10 watermelons a year and last I checked, we're about as white as you can get.

I really don't understand this. If you call a black person the "n-word", that is racist. If you dress up in a white sheet and burn a cross on a black person's lawn, that is racist. If you draw attention to the fact that black people like watermelons...or BBQ...or collard greens...or whatever other normal foods they may enjoy, that is not racist. GET OVER IT!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

We're All a Bunch of Cowards!

Our new US Attorney General thinks we're all cowards for refusing to talk frankly about race relations in this country. What a freakin' moron!

I'm going to be really careful here to not generalize my comments to everyone (like Mr. Holder has done). Please understand that when I say "a lot of people", I don't mean everyone. And just to let you know, I'm not extremely comfortable with making this post because there are some people out there who will view it as racist. Since there's really nothing I can do to convince them otherwise, I guess I'll just have to live with the consequences. With that disclaimer and explanation, let's discuss this issue.

I'll be the first to admit that racism has not been extinguished in this country. However, I'll also vehemently disagree with anyone that says or thinks white people are the perpetrators of all racism or that black people are the recipients of all racism. If you remove the relatively small percentage of people who are still racist (typically those still clinging to the 1950s), there really isn't much of a problem. Even if you think there is a problem, I think it's probably safe to say that most white people are trying to let the issue go. However, there are some that refuse to let the issue die and keep throwing it back in our faces.

Here's a quote from Mr. Holder:

"It [racial matters] is an issue we have never been at ease with and, given our nation's history, this is in some ways understandable," Holder said. "If we are to make progress in this area, we must feel comfortable enough with one another and tolerant enough of each other to have frank conversations about the racial matters that continue to divide us."

Let's try out a hypothetical on this idea. Several of my neighbors are black, most of which I am friends with. What do you think would happen if I walked up to one of my black neighbors and said, "let's grab a cup of coffee and talk about why this country is so darn racist"? I don't think I really need to answer that question. No one wants to have that conversation, Mr. Holder, because it's pointless, not to mention extremely uncomfortable and potentially divisive, if it's not an issue for people.

Unfortunately there is nothing we can do to get people to quit being racist. People have their opinions, intelligent or not, and they are entitled to those opinions. The last thing anyone wants in this country is a "thought police." The black population of this country has been apologized to time and time again. There are federal and state laws in place to protect them from discrimination and even to give them an advantage over people of other races by mandating quotas (hiring, school admissions, etc.). There is not a single person still living that participated in the era of slavery and oppression that took place in this country, and I for one can tell you I do not like apologizing for things I didn't do and had no control over. Maybe the best thing to do is to just let it go. I won't ask you to apologize for things you didn't do and you don't ask me to apologize for things I didn't do. Fair enough? It's been 250 years since the end of slavery in this's time to move on.

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Economic Double Standard

For those of you looking for more proof of the Democrat double standard, take a look at this article. You don't need my commentary to explain this.

'Doom' talk scored as 'not presidential'

Friday, February 6, 2009

Democrats Want to Abolish the First Amendment

If you think I'm joking, just read this article.

Another senator lines up behind 'Fairness Doctrine'

If you're like my wife and don't like to read things with lots of words, let me tell you what this is all about. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and other conservative talk show hosts dominate the radio airwaves, so Democrats want to silence them by forcing the broadcast owners to air more liberal shows.

Let's have a show of hands from everyone who has ever been forced to listen to conservative talk radio at gun point. Conservative talk radio dominates the airwaves because that's what people want to listen to. If they want a liberal viewpoint, they'll watch MSNBC, CNN, non-local ABC, NBC or CBS, or read the NY Times, Los Angeles Times, or a myriad of other papers around the country. It's not like people don't have plenty of choices.

Make no mistake about it--this is not about promoting diversity of opinions. This is about abolishing differences of opinions. The First Amendment says:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Someone please explain to me how forcing radio stations to replace or supplement conservative talk shows with liberal content would not amount to a law "abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press."

It is estimated that approximately 21 million people a week listen to Rush Limbaugh and approximately 14 million people a week listen to Sean Hannity. Just think how many more millions of ill-informed voters there would be if Limbaugh and Hannity were taken off the air. I'll be the first to tell you I don't care for the personality of either of them, but if I want to be made aware of news items that are not very complimentary of liberals, I have to listen to those shows because the main stream media ignores them.

If the Democrats get their way and this legislation is enacted, we will be well on our way to tyranny. If you don't believe me, go look at any other country with state-owned media and tell me how much freedom those countries have. We are headed in a very dangerous direction here and I sincerely hope people will wake up to what's going on.

Obama: The 7 Year Old Cry Baby Version

We are less than 1 month into the Obama administration and he's already whining and crying about partisan politics and continues to contradict his campaign promises. The Senate is not rubber stamping his gigantic spending bill (which no one, other than partisan left wing hacks, believes will actually stimulate the economy), so he's pointing the finger at Senate republicans while saying, "I you have to do everything I say without questioning anything." Mr. Obama, suck it up and let Congress do its job...which is to provide checks and balances on you!

Here is a quote from the President himself talking about how the Senate should rubber stamp his "stimulus" package:

"They [Americans] did not choose more of the same in November," Obama said Friday. "They did not send us to Washington to get stuck in partisan posturing, to try to score political points. They did not send us here to turn back to the same tried and failed approaches that were rejected because we saw the results. They sent us here to make change with the expectation that we would act."

Mr. Obama, I would like to take this opportunity to point out that it is not the Republicans holding up passage of your precious stimulus package. It's the Democrats. Excluding one of the Minnesota Senate seats because of the ongoing legal challenges between Al Franken and Norm Coleman, and not counting the 2 independents, Joe Lieberman and Bernie Sanders, who vote mostly with the Democrats, the Democrats hold a 56-41 majority. If this bill were put to a vote right now and everyone voted down party lines, the bill would pass. So, what's the problem, Mr. Obama? The problem is that there are some from your own party that see this bill for what it is...I gigantic mistake that will assure this country stays in debt for the next couple of decades.

Obama spent his entire campaign talking about how he was going to move this country away from an attitude of fear and toward an attitude of hope. However, all he can talk about is devastation and catastrophe if his bill is not rubber stamped by Congress. He talked about how he was going to bring accountability back to the White House and Washington, but he has proceeded to nominate tax cheats and criminals to the highest offices in the country, and continues to support them even after their criminal acts were discovered. He promised not to appoint lobbyists to offices and agencies that they formerly lobbied, but promptly made several exceptions to that rule. He's endangering this country by throwing America under the bus so he doesn't offend some Muslim militants. He's getting rid of everything President Bush did to make sure another 9/11 didn't happen. You don't have to like President Bush, but you can't legitimately argue that he didn't make this country safer. Obama is going to destroy that. He's going to close Gitmo, effectively sending some very dangerous terrorists back to their homes to plan more attacks on Americans. And if we ever catch them again, he's going to make sure they have the same constitutional rights you and I have and that those charged with protecting us cannot possibly do their jobs.

So, you know what President Obama? Quit whining and crying when you don't get your way. Quit pointing at Republicans saying, "I won. Nana-nana-boo-boo." Quit thumbing your nose at people who disagree with you. Quit doing everything you blasted President Bush and Republicans for the last 8 years. Try exercising some true leadership and not juvenile playground politics. America is not quite ready for tyranny or a dictatorship, so it looks like you just might have to learn to get along with Congress.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I'm At a Loss for Words

Did you know that every month we go without an economic stimulus package, 500,000,000 Americans lose their jobs? All I can say is "wow!"

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

So Much for Responsible Government: Part 2

This is getting a bit ridiculous. Since I posted So Much for Responsible Government just yesterday, 2 more Obama appointees have been caught in unethical and/or criminal dilemmas.

First, Chris Dodd, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, had to promise to refinance his Countrywide loans because of the sweetheart deals he got through his personal friend, the CEO. Wow, Mr. Dodd! How honorable of you to refinance now that mortgage rates are basically nothing! What a stand up guy!

Next, Obama's pick for chief performance officer (whatever the heck that is), Nancy Killefer, had to withdraw her nomination because she cheated on her taxes back in 2005.

This is getting completely out of hand. If I ever hear another liberal complain about how corrupt the republican party is, I think I may go postal on someone. In my humble, yet very serious personal opinion, I think all of this calls for an automatic IRS audit on any Obama nominee going forward. You should automatically be disqualified from high level government positions if you are a confirmed tax cheat. It seems like such a minimal standard to me, but apparently it's a much higher standard than I thought.

As a side note, it now makes a lot of sense to me why democrats are always wanting to raise taxes. It's not such a big deal to raise everyone else's taxes when you're not paying your own!

Monday, February 2, 2009

So Much for Responsible Government

After complaining for 8 years about the level of corruption in Washington, Obama doesn't seem particularly bent on cleaning anything up. First, VP Joe Biden is a known plaigarist. He got caught plagiarizing in law school and again as a presidential candidate in 1988. But, apparently stealing someone else's words and ideas is not all that serious of an offense.

Second, Timothy Geithner, Obama's pick for Treasury Secretary, was caught not paying taxes. This is the guy that is going to head up and oversee the IRS and the nation's economy. You would think tax evasion might play a more prominent role in deciding on this pick, but clearly Obama didn't think it was that big a deal.

Now, Tom Daschle, former senator and Obama's pick for Secretary of Health and Human Services, has been caught cheating on his taxes to the tune of $128,000 plus interest over a three year period.

Both Geithner and Daschle have apologized and assured the public these were just mistakes, but it makes me wonder whether any of this would have ever been discovered if these men were not being appointed to high ranking cabinet positions. It's amazing how remorseful cheats and liars are when they get caught and it might mean they don't get a promotion.

I won't even go into all the corruption surrounding the Clintons including, but certainly not limited to, Whitewater, campaign contributions from foreign nations, conflicts of interest that should have prevented Hillary from being confirmed as Sec. of State, and stealing things from the White House upon departure. And these are just the examples related to Hillary!

At the very least, this calls for a moratorium on democrat whining about how corrupt the GOP is. The pot needs to shape up and come clean before continuing to call the kettle names.