Friday, January 30, 2009

The Double Standard Continues

Remember over the past 8 years when the conservative majority would do some act or pass some piece of legislation that the liberals would say would have the effect of destroying our country? Anytime the conservatives would come back with something along the lines of "we feel this is the best thing for our country" the liberals would throw juvenile temper tantrums saying how the conservatives were calling liberals unpatriotic and un-American simply because they did not agree with the majority.

My, times have changed. Now we have a liberal President (the most liberal in the history of the U.S.) and liberal majorities in both the House and Senate. I use liberal/conservative rather than Democrat/Republican on purpose. There's not necessarily always a correlation. See Arlen Specter for an example of a liberal Republican.

On top of being overrun by the liberals, we have a President who is trying to cure a $1 trillion deficit by adding at least another $1 trillion to it and probably $2 - 3 trillion when all is said and done. I won't go through the points of my earlier posts, but when that money includes earmarks for things like tax rebates to people who don't pay taxes, renovation of Washington D.C., contraceptives and STD prevention, none of which will do anything to stimulate the economy, naturally some intelligent people out there will have some objections. Those of us who are not in love with President Obama or think he knows everything and will be the savior of this nation, refuse to be a rubber stamp for Obama's ideas. That's what we saw in the House vote earlier this week when the House passed the stimulus package without a single GOP vote.

But now that liberals have the majority, they can't understand why conservatives won't just roll over and jump the aisle to side with the liberals. In fact, is running an ad campaign in which they accuse conservatives of choosing to side with Rush Limbaugh over Obama, as if it's the conservatives who don't have minds of their own. As if it's the conservatives who are rubber stamping ideas these days.

But that's not all...I found this line in the article that I linked above:

Brad Woodhouse, the Democratic strategist who is overseeing the ad campaign, said: “The House Republicans put their Senate colleagues in the crosshairs because they decided to play politics rather than do the right thing.” wait just a minute! Are you saying that if conservatives don't agree with you and your liberal buddies, conservatives are not doing the right thing? Is that somehow different from the liberal responses we received over the past 8 years? I was made to believe that criticism of the administration was the most patriotic thing one could do. Is that no longer the case?

The problem I have with all of this is that politics is based on opinion, not fact. As long as people inhabit the earth, there will be differences of opinion. If you think spending $4 trillion on top of the $1 trillion debt we already have will somehow pull us out of a recession, you're entitled to that opinion. Likewise, I'm entitled to think you're loony. That's the way this works, people. Quit getting offended when people disagree with you. You just make the best argument you can and if you can convince them, good for you. If you can't, there's nothing you can do about that. But, for crying out loud, let's stop the double standards.

1 comment:

  1. Ty, you just don't understand. There are many things that are bad and wrong when a conservative or republican does them that are not a problem when done by democrats or liberals. For instance, deficit spending, war, innocent civilian deaths from air raids, homelessness, etc are only a problems during a republican administration. They really aren't that big of deal when democrats are running the show. Get with the program man.
