Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Build Me a Bigger Machine!

This is one of those stories that is both hilarious and sad all at once.

275-Pound Woman Says Hospital Told Her to Use Zoo MRI

At 5 feet tall and weighing in at 275 pounds, it is both hilarious and sad that this woman was embarrassed, not about weighing 4.6 pounds per inch in height (for reference, I weigh 2.5 pounds per inch in height), but about being given a recommendation to use an MRI at a zoo that would support her girth.

My favorite quote from this article comes at the very end:

“They should have machines that fit most everybody."

Ma'am, they do have machines that fit most everybody. You, however, are not most everybody. How about you focus on losing at least 75 to 100 pounds and see how many more things suddenly fit you. Geez!

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