Friday, January 30, 2009

The Double Standard Continues

Remember over the past 8 years when the conservative majority would do some act or pass some piece of legislation that the liberals would say would have the effect of destroying our country? Anytime the conservatives would come back with something along the lines of "we feel this is the best thing for our country" the liberals would throw juvenile temper tantrums saying how the conservatives were calling liberals unpatriotic and un-American simply because they did not agree with the majority.

My, times have changed. Now we have a liberal President (the most liberal in the history of the U.S.) and liberal majorities in both the House and Senate. I use liberal/conservative rather than Democrat/Republican on purpose. There's not necessarily always a correlation. See Arlen Specter for an example of a liberal Republican.

On top of being overrun by the liberals, we have a President who is trying to cure a $1 trillion deficit by adding at least another $1 trillion to it and probably $2 - 3 trillion when all is said and done. I won't go through the points of my earlier posts, but when that money includes earmarks for things like tax rebates to people who don't pay taxes, renovation of Washington D.C., contraceptives and STD prevention, none of which will do anything to stimulate the economy, naturally some intelligent people out there will have some objections. Those of us who are not in love with President Obama or think he knows everything and will be the savior of this nation, refuse to be a rubber stamp for Obama's ideas. That's what we saw in the House vote earlier this week when the House passed the stimulus package without a single GOP vote.

But now that liberals have the majority, they can't understand why conservatives won't just roll over and jump the aisle to side with the liberals. In fact, is running an ad campaign in which they accuse conservatives of choosing to side with Rush Limbaugh over Obama, as if it's the conservatives who don't have minds of their own. As if it's the conservatives who are rubber stamping ideas these days.

But that's not all...I found this line in the article that I linked above:

Brad Woodhouse, the Democratic strategist who is overseeing the ad campaign, said: “The House Republicans put their Senate colleagues in the crosshairs because they decided to play politics rather than do the right thing.” wait just a minute! Are you saying that if conservatives don't agree with you and your liberal buddies, conservatives are not doing the right thing? Is that somehow different from the liberal responses we received over the past 8 years? I was made to believe that criticism of the administration was the most patriotic thing one could do. Is that no longer the case?

The problem I have with all of this is that politics is based on opinion, not fact. As long as people inhabit the earth, there will be differences of opinion. If you think spending $4 trillion on top of the $1 trillion debt we already have will somehow pull us out of a recession, you're entitled to that opinion. Likewise, I'm entitled to think you're loony. That's the way this works, people. Quit getting offended when people disagree with you. You just make the best argument you can and if you can convince them, good for you. If you can't, there's nothing you can do about that. But, for crying out loud, let's stop the double standards.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pelosi Is At It Again

This is unbelievable! Nancy Pelosi couldn't explain to George Stephanopoulos why hundreds of millions of dollars spent on contraceptives would stimulate the economy, but wouldn't back down from supporting its inclusion in the "Let's sink America now" stimulus package Obama is trying to push through Congress. See my Dumb and Dumber post. So, now that it's been pointed out that $335 million has been reserved for STD prevention, she was given a second chance to explain how that earmark will stimulate the economy. Her response:

"I believe in prevention."

Well, good for you, Ms. Pelosi. However, I still haven't heard any explanation as to how this money will stimulate the economy.

I'm still waiting...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

America is Once Again Worth Living In: What a Relief!

Apparently making millions living in a fictional fantasy and having more rights and liberties than anywhere else in the world is not good enough to make America worth living in. We need to ability to kill babies whenever they are not convenient to us to make this country inhabitable.

The idiocy in Hollywood just continues to grow unabated. All in favor of cracking the borders on California's eastern side and pushing it into the Pacific Ocean, say "aye."

Ashley Judd: Breathless

Free Renovation Money

Logic is dying a very quick, but very painful death these days. Check out this video. Apparently it's ok to spend $200 million renovating the Washington mall because the renovation efforts will create jobs and work for small businesses. By that logic, giving me money to add a second story to my garage so I can have a media room will also contribute to small businesses and will cost much less than $200 million. It will also cause more people to visit my house. As Michael Scott would say, "Win, win, win!"

Monday, January 26, 2009

Dumb and Dumber

Let's play "Who is the biggest idiot?"

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi thinks spending hundreds of millions of dollars on contraception will help the economy. WHAT!?!

Ok, let's give her the benefit of the doubt and have one of our "unbiased, hard-nosed" media guys ask her to explain herself. Here's the exchange:

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Hundreds of millions of dollars to expand family planning services. How is that stimulus?

PELOSI: Well, the family planning services reduce cost. They reduce cost. The states are in terrible fiscal budget crises now and part of what we do for children's health, education and some of those elements are to help the states meet their financial needs. One of those - one of the initiatives you mentioned, the contraception, will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government.

STEPHANOPOULOS: So no apologies for that?

PELOSI: No apologies. No. we have to deal with the consequences of the downturn in our economy.

Did anyone see an explanation in there about how exactly spending hundreds of millions of dollars on contraception will "reduce costs"? Since George Stephanoploulos didn't ask the obvious follow up questions, I'll ask them. Ms. Pelosi, how exactly does it reduce costs? Even if it did "reduce costs", will it reduce costs more than the hundreds of millions of dollars you're spending to reduce those costs? You know what this sounds like to sounds like driving from Houston to Amarillo to save $0.03 a gallon on gasoline.

The idiocy of the liberals just keeps spewing forth. Great stuff for my blog--not so good for the country.

Here's the reference article if you want to read it.


Friday, January 23, 2009

He's Not Wasting Any Time Destroying This Country

Ok, I've tried valiantly to be somewhat civilized in my criticism of Obama. But now the guy has gone too far and I'm furious. Take a look at this article from Fox News:

Obama to Lift Ban on Overseas Abortion Funding

In this first 4 days in office, Obama has signed executive orders that will effectively aid in the deaths of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of innocent people. First, Obama is going to lift the gag rule that President Bush had in place. The effect of this action will be to free up federal dollars to fund international abortion clinics. It's bad enough that he supports the murder of innocent unborn children for the sake of convenience, but to force me to pay for it is way out of line.

And for all you out there who are thinking about making the argument that not all abortions are convenience abortions, do some research on that topic. The results of an October 2008 study show that 98% of US abortions are "personal choice" abortions.

Reasons given for having abortions in the United States

Second, on Tuesday, President Obama signed three executive orders that have the effect of making it very difficult for our intelligence agencies to protect us from future acts of terrorism. This is part of Obama's stance that for some unexplained reason, war criminals and people who want nothing more than to destroy America should have the same constitutional rights that American citizens have. That's why he wants to shut down Guantanamo Bay, not allow harsh interrogation tactics, and make it illegal to wiretap phones belonging to known terrorists.

I'm almost at a loss for words today. Because of this man, I have to fund the loss of millions of innocent, unborn lives. In addition, his decisions have removed numerous roadblocks that have made this country safe from acts of terrorism on our soil for the past 8 years. When we suffer another 9/11, the blood will be on his hands. My heart is very heavy and I'm angry at the complete disregard for human life this man is showing in his first week in office. My only hope at this point is that things won't get much worse.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Obama's Fiscal Double Standard

Obama spent the bulk of his campaign blasting Bush (and by proxy, John McCain) over government spending that led to a $1 trillion national deficit. He made promises about bringing fiscal responsibility back to Washington and getting this country out of the hole. Of course, it was only AFTER he was elected that he informed his supporters that this fiscal salvation would take years and years to accomplish. Either way, he has not backed down from his promise to rescue this nation from the pits of eternal fiscal damnation.

So why is it that he has asked for nearly $800 billion for an economic stimulus package? This is absurd for two reasons. First, how do you correct a $1 trillion deficit by adding $800 billion to it? Second, where is the government going to get this money if we're so broke? We're going to have to borrow it from another country. How is it going to be paid raising taxes. Best case scenario, this is not even a wash because the taxpayers will be paying interest on these so-called stimulus checks.

But, not only does he want to add $800 billion to the national deficit, he wants to inject trillions into the banks in order to make them financially viable again. Once again, how do you correct a huge deficit by piling more and more debt on top of it? Every time the government pumps money into the economy, the market experiences an artificial pop with nothing to sustain it. We will continue to see false bottoms in the market until the market works itself out. Hang on's going to be a bumpy ride!

Let's All Tighten Our Belts...Except Me -- Barack Obama

On his first day in office, Obama placed a salary freeze on Washington government officials making more than $100,000. His exact quote was, "Families are tightening their belts, and so should Washington." This announcement came on the same day that Obama spent $170 million on his inauguration--4 times more than Bush spent on his second inauguration which the media blasted as excessive and tacky given the fact that we were at war at the time.

Does anyone else see the double standard here, or is it just me?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Turning Over a New Leaf

For better or worse, we have a new president. As the new president takes office and tries to lead this country, he is going to make mistakes because he's not perfect (this may come as a shock to some of his supporters). Some mistakes will be minor and some will have a profound negative effect on our country. The point of this blog entry and many that will follow will not be to necessarily point out President Obama's mistakes (although it will), but to point out the absurd double standard in the media when it comes to reporting on those mistakes.

For 8 solid years, the media has salivated over the prospect of President Bush making a mistake and has never neglected an opportunity to use such mistakes to attempt to make the President look as incompetent and stupid as possible. In my mind, it is not fair to treat anyone like that, Democrat or Republican. But now that the media has set its own standard, let's see if they stick to that standard once "one of their own" is in office. We all already know the answer to this one.

To start, I'm sure everyone has read, seen or heard Obama flub the oath of office. No big deal...the man is front of millions and no doubt his nerves got the better of him. And that's what the media chalked it up to. However, just google the word "bushisms" and you'll find literally thousands of times (722,000 to be exact) the media or some other hater pointed out a mistake in speech by Bush. I couldn't find a single time that it was attributed to nerves or anything other than him being an incompetent, bumbling, incoherent cowboy.

This is but a minor example of the double standards we're about to endure through the media, but it's a start. Stay tuned for more.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Follow Up to Racism Post

Nazi-named children taken from parents

I guess the State of New Jersey has a problem with how these parents named their kids. This is sure to result in a nasty fight.

Sounds Like a Blockbuster

First gay superhero is oooh-perman

Just by a show of hands, and assuming this is not meant to be a comedy like The Incredibly Gay Duo of SNL fame, how many of you would go watch this? I can't think of many people outside the gay community that don't appreciate manliness, first and foremost, in their super heroes. I can't possibly imagine how they plan to make this concept interesting. I guess we'll see. Actually, I won't see because I don't have the slightest desire to see it. Someone else can fill me in on it.

Build Me a Bigger Machine!

This is one of those stories that is both hilarious and sad all at once.

275-Pound Woman Says Hospital Told Her to Use Zoo MRI

At 5 feet tall and weighing in at 275 pounds, it is both hilarious and sad that this woman was embarrassed, not about weighing 4.6 pounds per inch in height (for reference, I weigh 2.5 pounds per inch in height), but about being given a recommendation to use an MRI at a zoo that would support her girth.

My favorite quote from this article comes at the very end:

“They should have machines that fit most everybody."

Ma'am, they do have machines that fit most everybody. You, however, are not most everybody. How about you focus on losing at least 75 to 100 pounds and see how many more things suddenly fit you. Geez!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Gift of Tebow

How often do we find elite athletes that are not only not felons, but actually virtuous and worthy of role-model status? Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to Tim Tebow.

I'm not an SEC fan (except for the incredibly high level of college football you can find there), nor am I a fan of Florida. But I am definitely a fan of Tim Tebow and will be rooting him on tonight in the BCS National Championship Game. This guy is the ultimate example of how Christians should be focused on expanding God's kingdom and using our life successes to enhance the effort.

With a Heisman and National Championship trophy, as well as just about every individual honor he's ever been eligible for already filling his trophy case as a 21 year old junior, he doesn't hesitate to tell you it's not all about him. He recognizes that God has blessed him with immeasurable athletic ability and exercises the definition of humility. Whether he's winning the SEC, running over opposing linebackers, or bench pressing more than 400 lbs, he finds his true calling off the football field. In the photo above, he is seen preaching the gospel to prison inmates. In the photo at the top you can see he writes Phil. 4:13 on his eye black which says, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." During the summer he returns to the Phillipines where his dad is a missionary and works with the locals. If there was ever someone to look up to and admire as a person and an athlete, it's Tim Tebow.

If you want to read a little more, check out this link on

Good luck tonight, Tim!