Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My Entry Into the Blogosphere

Well, I'm finally taking the plunge. This election has made me realize that there are lots of things I want to say, most of which people probably either don't want to hear or don't care about, but that need to be said. I don't pretend to know everything, or even very much, but some things can be explained or refuted with simple logic. I'm realizing more and more every day that people are abandoning logic for emotion. I don't think most of these people are stupid; they just haven't had much logic presented to them. And since people are inherently lazy, they become convinced of the truth of whatever they are told most often or with the most repetition instead of thinking for themselves.

In that vein, this blog will be mostly devoted to explaining how I see things from a logical point of view. Most posts will be arguments against things that I see in the media or hear coming from the mouths of politicians that simply don't make sense when any degree of logic is applied. In an effort to make full disclosure of things in my life that may color how I view things, I am one of those evil "evangelical" Christians that people hate so much. Since I believe the Bible is the Word of God and constitutes a user's manual and road map for my life, obviously the truths of the Scriptures will influence how I think. So, now you know.

Posts will not come every day because I simply don't have time blog every day. But I'll try to maintain a steady supply of posts for your reading pleasure. My first substantive post will be coming soon!

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