Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Dumbest Protest Ever

Let me go ahead and say this from the start--I am not against protesting. I think very few protests are effective as they are more akin to hissy fits and temper tantrums than anything else. But protesting is a free speech right. However, some protests go too far.

I ran across this headline yesterday on the Drudge Report. Take a moment to read it and then come back to this post.

PETA plans nude protests against Houma circus

Wow...where to start...

Let's start with the quote by one of the protesters that nudity is just one way that the organization attempts to draw attention to animal abuse. Let's see a show of hands from all the guys out there that have ever seen a naked woman and immediately thought about the horrors of animal abuse. I don't see any hands. That's because God did not wire men in such a way that the female body would trigger sympathy for circus animals. Women, I will let you comment if you think such tactics have a more focused effect on women. I kind of doubt that it does.

You know what would make this even more entertaining...if the National Organization for Women (NOW) would show up and protest against PETA for putting a naked woman in a cage. Of course, NOW would first have to interview the naked lady to make sure she voted for Obama before advocating for her rights. Then they could protest by putting a really fat, hairy, naked guy in a cage. Now that would be funny!

On one final note, I would like to point out the small blurb about the ACLU suing the City of Shreveport and 6 of its police officers for arresting these naked women at a similar demonstration. Apparently the idiot lawyers for the ACLU don't understand the concept that free speech is not without limits. I'll save my rants about the ACLU for other posts.

The moral of this post--make sure your protest activities have some relevance to what you're protesting. It really is that simple.


  1. I have a feeling that PETA's antics probably discredit animal rights groups more than they help the causes PETA supports. The extremism practiced by groups like PETA, animal liberation front, green peace turns off a lot of people.

  2. if you want to pursue the deal about the rights of the naked chick in the cage and putting a fat, hairy, naked guy in there with her, let me know. I might have some free time this weekend. Anything to help the cause...
