Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Turning Over a New Leaf

For better or worse, we have a new president. As the new president takes office and tries to lead this country, he is going to make mistakes because he's not perfect (this may come as a shock to some of his supporters). Some mistakes will be minor and some will have a profound negative effect on our country. The point of this blog entry and many that will follow will not be to necessarily point out President Obama's mistakes (although it will), but to point out the absurd double standard in the media when it comes to reporting on those mistakes.

For 8 solid years, the media has salivated over the prospect of President Bush making a mistake and has never neglected an opportunity to use such mistakes to attempt to make the President look as incompetent and stupid as possible. In my mind, it is not fair to treat anyone like that, Democrat or Republican. But now that the media has set its own standard, let's see if they stick to that standard once "one of their own" is in office. We all already know the answer to this one.

To start, I'm sure everyone has read, seen or heard Obama flub the oath of office. No big deal...the man is front of millions and no doubt his nerves got the better of him. And that's what the media chalked it up to. However, just google the word "bushisms" and you'll find literally thousands of times (722,000 to be exact) the media or some other hater pointed out a mistake in speech by Bush. I couldn't find a single time that it was attributed to nerves or anything other than him being an incompetent, bumbling, incoherent cowboy.

This is but a minor example of the double standards we're about to endure through the media, but it's a start. Stay tuned for more.


  1. they have already blamed the flub on Chief Justice Roberts. Not B.O.'s fault.

  2. Yes, we are about to experience 4 years of the media bending over backwards to ignore or explain away Obama's mistakes and corruption in his administration. It will be the exact opposite of what happened during Bush's administration where mistakes and corruption were fabricated and constantly pointed out. Not to say there were no mistakes made or corruption in the Bush administration, but a large portion, probably more than 95% was pure bunk.
