Friday, January 23, 2009

He's Not Wasting Any Time Destroying This Country

Ok, I've tried valiantly to be somewhat civilized in my criticism of Obama. But now the guy has gone too far and I'm furious. Take a look at this article from Fox News:

Obama to Lift Ban on Overseas Abortion Funding

In this first 4 days in office, Obama has signed executive orders that will effectively aid in the deaths of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of innocent people. First, Obama is going to lift the gag rule that President Bush had in place. The effect of this action will be to free up federal dollars to fund international abortion clinics. It's bad enough that he supports the murder of innocent unborn children for the sake of convenience, but to force me to pay for it is way out of line.

And for all you out there who are thinking about making the argument that not all abortions are convenience abortions, do some research on that topic. The results of an October 2008 study show that 98% of US abortions are "personal choice" abortions.

Reasons given for having abortions in the United States

Second, on Tuesday, President Obama signed three executive orders that have the effect of making it very difficult for our intelligence agencies to protect us from future acts of terrorism. This is part of Obama's stance that for some unexplained reason, war criminals and people who want nothing more than to destroy America should have the same constitutional rights that American citizens have. That's why he wants to shut down Guantanamo Bay, not allow harsh interrogation tactics, and make it illegal to wiretap phones belonging to known terrorists.

I'm almost at a loss for words today. Because of this man, I have to fund the loss of millions of innocent, unborn lives. In addition, his decisions have removed numerous roadblocks that have made this country safe from acts of terrorism on our soil for the past 8 years. When we suffer another 9/11, the blood will be on his hands. My heart is very heavy and I'm angry at the complete disregard for human life this man is showing in his first week in office. My only hope at this point is that things won't get much worse.


  1. when I hear that federal funding pays for ANY abortion, it makes my blood boil. 2 years ago this month, My wife had to have a medical procedure called Dilation & Curettage (D&C).

    D&C is what they call it when you have a miscarriage and you have to remove the dead fetus from the woman's body. The same procedure is called abortion when the fetus is alive.

    D&C is expensive. We had decent health insurance, but I'm here to say that it cost us as much for the emergency room visit and the outpatient surgery as it did to have a healthy baby. A couple thousand dollars out of pocket, plus the heartache of hopes and dreams lost.

    When you call it abortion, there are "clinics" in shopping centers all around the country lining up to perform the procedure for free using the donations of "enlightened" people. Now the US Government is going to start paying for them.

    Hey, Mr Obama!. How about a little help for the middle class that does their level best to play by the rules?

  2. Thanks for sharing - that's a perspective you don't hear every day!

    Also, if I have my facts straight, the reversal of the gag rule means that our tax dollars can now fund abortion lobbyists.

    So what do we do now? Obviously we are to "give to Cesar what is Cesar's", but what if Cesar is using it for something that is directly against God?

  3. I don't remember where I read it, but something like 200 "human rights" and womens rights groups sent Obama a letter thanking him for lifting the gag rule. Do you see the irony? Human rights groups supporting abortion rights? I guess they don't see it.
