Thursday, January 29, 2009

Pelosi Is At It Again

This is unbelievable! Nancy Pelosi couldn't explain to George Stephanopoulos why hundreds of millions of dollars spent on contraceptives would stimulate the economy, but wouldn't back down from supporting its inclusion in the "Let's sink America now" stimulus package Obama is trying to push through Congress. See my Dumb and Dumber post. So, now that it's been pointed out that $335 million has been reserved for STD prevention, she was given a second chance to explain how that earmark will stimulate the economy. Her response:

"I believe in prevention."

Well, good for you, Ms. Pelosi. However, I still haven't heard any explanation as to how this money will stimulate the economy.

I'm still waiting...


  1. they got it through the House, but get your popcorn and pull up a chair. The idiot margin in the senate is razor thin, and if any dems jump the aisle, we'll start to see a little more thought go into this.


    OK, this woman is “fairly young”, single, lives with her parents, & has 6 kids already.

    WHY in the HELL is she on fertility drugs?

    I’d love to know if she is on any sort of public assistance.

    If Pelosi and her group argue that birth control and prevention help reduce costs to states by reducing the number of births to people unprepared to support them, I have a better (& free) way to reduce the costs.

    1. Limit welfare payments to 2 existing children for all new welfare enrollments.

    2. Once enrolled, there will be no more dependants allowed, regardless of the number you had when you enrolled (you can have the kids, but your “check” will not increase.)

    3. As a condition of receiving public assistance, all residents of the household over the age of 16 are required to have a job, no matter how mundane the job is. If you can’t find a job, then you will be paid $5 per hour additional benefits by the state you live in to perform some menial task. Digging ditches, picking up trash, cleaning up graffiti, etc. There is plenty to be done, just need someone to do it.

    If people can’t get more money from welfare by having additional children, they will stop recklessly having children.

    The idea of not allowing for additional dependents once enrolled is simple. If you can’t afford to feed yourself, you have no business having a kid.
