Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Experimenting with Posterous

For those of you who don't know me very well, I'm always on the look out for new technologies, even if they aren't particularly useful for me.  Free technology is my Achilles heel.  Today I found a pretty cool free technology and am trying it out to see if it will be useful for me.

Posterous let's you post to your Facebook, Twitter, blog, etc by emailing content to certain email addresses.  You create an account and set up your linked accounts like your own blog and then use certain email addresses to post to your various linked accounts.  For instance, I'm posting this to my blog by emailing all the content to

I'm still not sure how useful this will be, but I wanted to give it a shot.  Posterous has some other cool features that I'll be trying out in the near future.  I'll keep you updated on whether it's worth it or not.

Posted via email from camplogic's posterous

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