Friday, September 18, 2009

Bailey Needs a New Home

Over the past several months since I started this blog, many of you have grown accustomed to the occasional sprinkling in of Bailey stories to lighten the mood in here.  Well, it's with great sadness that I'm telling you we need to find a new home for Bailey.

I know what you're thinking--how can you give up a dog with such great entertainment value?  The honest answer is that it's going to be best for all involved to find her a new family. We simply don't have the time, energy, sanity, space or yard size to accommodate a dog with her energy level.  In the nearly two years we've had her, she has eaten or otherwise destroyed two pairs of eye glasses, several plants, several pairs of underwear, dozens of pens and clothes pins, my new wallet and I'm pretty sure she ate a $5 bill.  That's just a small random sampling of the havoc she has brought to our lives.  Happy and well-adjusted dogs who are content in their environments are not that destructive.

On top of that, she will do anything to escape from our back yard including digging under the fence and jumping over the fence.  She has been really creative in her escape tactics including moving plastic chairs to the fence so she can get over and getting a running start and catapulting off the grill.  And as you have probably seen from a previous video I posted, she has successfully jumped a six foot fence to escape the friendly confines of our back yard.

The only way we have found that even comes close to dissipating her energy build up is to attach her to the bicycle and let her drag us through the neighborhood on a dead sprint for a couple of miles.  She barks the whole way and scares the bejeezus out of everyone.  I think she nearly gave a jogger a heart attack the other night.

So, Amanda and I have decided that we would like to preserve what is left of our youthful sanity and accordingly have sent her information to a Brittany rescue to try to find her a new home.  You can view her profile here (she's the 4th one down under Texas):

Please feel free to forward this link to anyone you know who may be interested.  We think she would make a great hunting dog or even a great family dog if she had a large yard to play in and probably another dog or two to play with.  Sorry for the sad news, but it needed to be said.

Posted via email from camplogic's posterous

1 comment:

  1. oh man. this is sad :( it's so hard giving up a little family member you love!! but it's for the best! i guess showing a possible family your blog would not be the best way to find her a new home, because of your brutal honesty, but i'll ask around! :) i hate this for you guys!
