Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Our New Moral Compass

President Obama says employing the waterboarding technique on terrorists who have slaughtered thousands of innocent Americans shows we [America] have "lost our moral bearings." Does anyone else find this statement vile, repugnant, revolting (insert any other adjectives you want) coming from this man's mouth? This is the man who:

1. Is in favor of killing unborn children out of convenience. If you think he's just in favor of abortion in rape, incest and protection of the mother cases, don't forget he also said he wouldn't want his daughter punished with a baby just because of a mistake. Those aren't my words, they're his.

2. Supports same-sex marriage.

3. Attended church services under Jeremiah Wright, who for 20 years spewed hatred of Americans in general and white people in particular.

4. Has close ties to Bill Ayers who is a terrorist and makes no apologies for it.

5. Has befriended Hugo Chavez whose regime is among the world's leaders in human righs abuse and who hates America as much as any other terrorist regime out there.

I would really like to know under what definition of "morality" President Obama is operating because I am completely at a loss.


  1. But don't forget that Obama was not aware of Wright's hateful sermons. Obama immediately quit the church when he learned about them...during the election. One year later, he still has not joined another church. I think he may be too busy working out everyday with his wife who has great arms.

  2. Another good piece articulating the crimes of President Obama's new friends.


  3. we haven't "lost" our moral compass, ours is just calibrated a little differently than his.
