Thursday, April 16, 2009

Efficiently Offensive

Apparently President Obama is no longer satisfied in making single barbs at Christians and conservatives in his speeches. He has decided to become a little more efficient and start making multiple offensive remarks and gestures. Maybe that way he can cut down on the number of speeches he's required to give.

Georgetown Says It Covered Over Name of Jesus to Comply With White House Request

1. Obama goes to a Catholic school to give a speech and demands that the symbol for the name of Jesus be covered up. I'm not sure there is a universe of thought in which this makes sense. Maybe the next time he gives a speech in a Muslim community, he'll require them to remove all references to Mohammed and Allah. Let's see how that goes over.

2. After demanding the removal of the name of Jesus, he quotes Jesus completely out of context. He talks about the parable of the houses built on sand and rock and how the one built on sand will collapse, but the one built on a rock will withstand the storm. He then tells the audience that the financial system must be built on a rock in order to withstand storms like the one we're going through. Nice analogy, Mr. President, but I'm pretty sure Jesus was not at all concerned with the state of the US economy when he spoke that parable. In fact, I think He may have been referring to building our lives on the Rock of our salvation, Jesus Christ, whose name you had covered up so you could give your precious speech.

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