Monday, December 15, 2008

Protesters are Getting Dumber by the Minute

My friend Mark sent me this article today and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to publish this stupidity. I also couldn't pass up the opportunity to put a different spin on my recent "passing gas" themes.

Greek police run out of tear gas as rioting continues for a seventh day

As some of you may know, protesters have been running wild in Greece for about a week now because a policeman shot and killed a 15 year old boy. These people have been burning banks and businesses to the ground, as well as numerous other acts of unnecessary violence. However, the protesting is not really the point of this post.

After firing 4,600 tear gas canisters at the protesters, the Greek police have asked Israel and Germany to send in more canisters. Apparently the canisters the Greek police were using were from the early 1980's. The following is a direct quote from one of the protesters:

“We found tear gas canister dated from 1981,” said one demonstrator, calling himself only GK. “The old chemicals make us sick, people have fainted and have trouble breathing,” he said.

Seriously?!? In the words of my friend, Mark:

"What do you think tear gas is supposed to do, smell like cherries and make everyone feel happy? Here’s a hint… Stop rioting. Stop throwing rocks and whatever else you guys are doing. Stay at home, or better yet, go to work. Productive members of society don’t have time for protests because they are too busy at work making money."

Amen, Mark!


  1. glad you could use this article.

    It didn't reallt fit my blog. The closest I've come to tear gas is when gas is passed and it's so bad it brings bystanders to tears...

  2. I saw pictures today of the thugs attacking police officers with metal poles. I guess according to the Greeks, which I have read a majority of support the protests, the police shouldn't defend themselves.
