Thursday, December 18, 2008

Intolerance: A One Way Street?

I will probably never understand this concept, but it seems to me that the people who use the word "intolerance" the most, are the most intolerant people of all. I ran across this article today on the Drudge Report:

Obama defends choice of evangelical pastor

Obama has chosen Rick Warren to deliver the invocation at his inauguration and the gays are furious. Never mind that Mr. Obama has the most liberal voting record of any current senator (including Ted Kennedy). Never mind that he has advocated for gay rights. Apparently all that means nothing to these people.

But, setting aside the absurdity of their protest, one clip from the article is particularly interesting:

The Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest gay rights organization, said Warren's opposition to gay marriage is a sign of intolerance.

What exactly is the definition of "intolerance"? defines it as an unwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respect contrary opinions or beliefs, persons of different races or backgrounds, etc. In that vein, I'll agree that any true Christian would be "intolerant" of the act of homosexuality (not to be confused with intolerance of homosexuals). The Bible calls homosexuality an abomination; not exactly an ambiguous term. However, are gays any less "intolerant" of Christians than Christians are of homosexuality?

There are all kinds of special interest groups, gays likely being the most vocal, who scream "INTOLERANCE" at the top of their lungs any time someone disagrees with their view point. But I wonder if they'll ever catch on to the fact that they're living a double standard. The fact of the matter is that the world is an extremely diverse place. We all have differences of opinion based on differences of background, culture, ideology, theology, etc. There is no way we are all going to agree on everything. So, either we learn to live with a certain level of "intolerance", or we continue to scream and shout in pursuit of something that will never happen.


  1. we must also keep in mind that the loudest of the people against Rick Warren delivering the invocation are Athiests or other "non-subscribers" as far as organized religion is concerned.

    Define invocation: a prayer to God or another deity asking for help, forgiveness, etc.

    If these folks hold no faith or belief in God anyway, why would they care who delivered a prayer invoking his help and guidance...

  2. Has Obama found a church yet?!?!? Has he gone in the past 2 months!?!?! I guess his "christianity" isn't so important after all...
