Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Fountain of Youth

As evidenced by the hysterical writings of one Mark Lackey, I'm sure this will be the first of MANY hilarious experiences with my son. And so it begins...

After only a couple of days with our little man, Amanda and I had to run up to the store to get some paperwork so Amanda could pay her employees. Being that we're both brand new at this parenting thing and really wanted to get out of the house for a while, we loaded up Zachary and took off.

When we got to the store, the little man dropped a load in his diaper, so we laid him up on the counter to change him. I opened up the dirty diaper and was fishing around in the diaper bag for a fresh diaper when up sprung a fountain. He wet down an entire jewelry rack and a lot of the counter. I was laughing so hard that I physically could not continue the diaper changing process and Amanda had to take over.

Before any of you call the health commission, we did get the jewelry cleaned up and Lysol'd, so everything is good now. But the moral of the story is, never leave a baby's water hose unattended.


  1. yeah, and when you lift those legs up, be careful. You are doing nothing more than aiming their backside. ALL babies have the ability to projectile poop. Seriously, they can spray a stream of liquid crap (it's all liquid at that age) for more than 10 feet.

  2. It's true, even for our baby girl! We change clothes and the changing pad often.

  3. tell me about it. you should get those "hats" for protection. they're hillarious..
