Friday, November 13, 2009

More to Come Soon

Sorry for the delay in cranking out new posts but it's been a bit hectic lately in the lives of the Camps and not likely to calm down any time soon. Work has been a beast lately and restyle has been performing so well recently that it's almost more than we can handle.

We were able to find Bailey a new home which is great. We miss her, but we don't miss the havoc she brought to our lives. The couple that took her have a 5 year old weimeraner with an energy level that matches Bailey's. They go swimming in a pool and wrestle until they both pass out. It's the perfect match. And, it looks like Bailey will be trained to hunt which is really cool. The couple and their 15 year old soon will be moving to Beaumont soon and when that happens, Bailey will have 2 1/2 acres to run on and get her energy out. I couldn't have dreamed up a better scenario for her.

Some crazy life changes are headed our way that you'll hear more about in the coming weeks. Just pray that God will equip Amanda and me to handle these changes and that we would rely solely on Him for guidance, direction and wisdom.

Talk to you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to hearing more...I hope it is what I think it is!
