Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Have You Changed Your Mind?

Ok, we're 8 1/2 months in to President Obama's first term which has given us plenty of time to observe what his policy ambitions are, how those ambitions may or may not differ from his campaign promises, how he intends to handle congress, whether any of his campaign promises are coming true or likely to come true, whether he can be trusted in general, and whether he is leading our country in the right direction.

Having had that time to review and reflect, would you change who you voted for in this past election? This is not aimed solely at those who voted for Obama. If you voted for McCain and wish you had voted for Obama or someone else, I'd like to know why. Likewise, if you voted for Obama but have changed your mind about him, I'd like to know your reasons for that too. All too often people get married to their choices even if they have come to realize they were bad choices. It's ok to change your mind as long as you have a good reason for it.

So, leave a comment and let me know what you think. I know most of my followers are conservatives and I certainly want to hear your opinions. But if you have any friends or family who voted for Obama, please send them the link to this post so I can see what they have to say, regardless of whether they have changed their mind or not. Once I get a good amount of comments, I'll create a new post summarizing my thoughts.

Thanks for helping me satisfy my curiosity!


  1. I would have to say that my vote was more of an against obama instead of a for mccain so i wouldn't change it... but then what do you expect from a patriotic american oops i mean an 'unamerican mobster'?

  2. I did not vote for Obama and his time in office has reinforced that I made the right choice. With that said, it will be imparitive that the GOP has a clear leader by the next election. People vote based on emotion (clearly demonstrated by the millions who voted for Obama but could not articulate why), therefore we need someone to "get behind" enough to sway those voters.

  3. I did vote for Obama and I looked at the issues the country was facing when I made my choice. I still VERY MUCH think that I made the right choice and that the President is making the right choices for the country. I will agree with the above comments left by the anonymous person. If the republican party has any hope in the future they need to hope and pray that they can draft/find a strong voice for their party. I personally believe that none of the current possible candidates - Palin, Gingrich, Pawlenty or Jindel are very strong. What the republicans need to remember is that back in 1980 they elected a divorced governor from the state of California. He was a former actor and radio star. He was WAY more moderate than the crazy voices that represent the republican party today. If the party continues to follow/listen to people like Rush Limbaugh or Dick Cheney then in another four years my decision will be even easier to make and I will once again cast my vote for President Obama.
