Friday, June 19, 2009

Getting Older

I wanted to take a quick break from my political rants to talk about something else for a change. This past April I turned the ripe old age of 29. No, seriously, I am 29. I'm not one of those people who will stay 29 forever for fear of turning 30. I see nothing wrong with being 30 years old. It's just one more year.

But, I have to say, I'm starting to feel much older than my years. Life has a way of being exciting and exhausting all at the same time. About this time 2 years ago, Amanda opened up restyle and our lives have never been the same. Don't get me wrong, restyle has been an amazing adventure and something we feel strongly led by God to do, but it is a lot of work! Amanda has done an amazing job running the place and turning it into a successful business. But when you couple that with my 8:30 - 6:00 job plus a dog that no one can control, plus responsibilities and obligations at church, you have a recipe for disaster.

Slowly but surely over the past several years, I have seen my physical activity dwindle because it's more work than fun and there just aren't enough hours in the day for such frivolity. Now when I go out to the garage to work out, I do so with the knowledge that I'm going to be incredibly sore for the next 2-3 days. I also do it knowing full well that none of it will be easy or enjoyable.

I can remember the days that I could work out in the gym for more than an hour and never get sore. I could run the stands at the football stadium and be out of breath, but not barely clinging to life. I could play basketball in the driveway with my brothers for 5+ hours in 98 degree heat and be disappointed when we ran out of daylight. I could do all kinds of things that I either can't do anymore or can't do well anymore and it's a little depressing. I kind of thought this would hit around age 40, not 29.

So, anyway, I know this post kind of came out of nowhere, but it's just something I've been thinking about lately, so I thought I would share it with my loyal and avid followers. If you guys have any thoughts, send me a comment.


  1. Hi Ty! I check out your blog every so often. I completely know what you mean...been having these same thoughts (and feelings) for the last few months!!! I remember playing basketball in your driveway can 30 be creeping up on us so soon?!?! Anyways, congrats on Restyle...looks really cool! Hope y'all are great.

