Tuesday, March 24, 2009

One World Currency

If this isn't pointing to the end times, I don't know that we'll ever be convinced that it's coming, and coming soon.

China calls for new reserve currency

Most of Europe has already consolidated its currency into the Euro. If the other major currencies are folded in, we'll have a one world currency in no time.

What is really scary about this is we are currently indebted to China in the amount of $2 trillion and China is getting really nervous about the inflationary effect on its investment. With trillions being thrown around like monopoly money right now with no real plan to generate revenue sufficient to cover those debts, it is a real possibility that China would have enough leverage to move us in the direction of consolidating our currency with the rest of the world just to pay off our debts.

The Bible doesn't refer specifically to a one world currency, but Revelation 13:16-17 refers to the "mark of the beast" that will be required during the end times to buy and sell necessities for living. How easy would it be to replace all currency with this "mark" once all currencies have been consolidated into one?

I personally believe the church will be raptured prior to Antichrist taking over, and that current believers will not have to worry about making a choice between taking the mark of the beast and survival, but the purpose of this post is to point out that the Biblical prophecies concerning the end times are quickly becoming reality.

As always, comments are appreciated. Let me know what you think about this.


  1. The Special Drawing Right that China and others have proposed to use in place of the US dollar as an international reserve currency wouldn't be seen in our pocketbooks. Its use would be mainly between central banks. Such a move might help stabilize the currency markets in situations like the finance crisis we're having just now, but it wouldn't be a One-World Currency like the conspiracy theorists see it.

    The Mark of the Beast, on the other hand, is an identifier for a mandatory, universal payment system that will replace cash and other negotiable instruments. It'll work for any currency if the country providing that currency chooses to adopt the Mark. Technically, the Mark is just a cheaper, more reliable form of ID, replacing not only cash, but plastic cards, as well. Neither plastic cards nor the Mark have anything to do with a one-world currency. Indeed, if we had to wait for a single world currency, Jesus would never return. The people frothing at the mouth about such a fictitious currency are simply ignorant about international finance.

    I've written a book that describes how the Mark of the Beast could be introduced in a near future. Fact is, we now have the technology to introduce it, and the incentive to do so is growing every year. The first time I heard it mentioned by real bankers at a bankers' conference was in 1988, and things have only got worse since then.

    Check out my free e-book Walkabout: The History of a Brief Century at http://personal.inet.fi/private/walkabout!

  2. Thanks for the comment, although I disagree with a lot of what you've said. I don't profess to be an expert in international finance, but I do know what the Bible says about the end times and believe it to be true. The passage I referred to in Revelation says no one will be able to buy or sell without the mark. There is no provision in the Biblical text giving nations a choice of accepting or rejecting the mark. You even said it would be mandatory and universal. If a system is mandatory and universal and no one else is accepting your currency, that indicates to me there is only one currency.

  3. With all due respect, Ty, I mean precisely what you just said. The Mark will be mandatory, and it'll be used everywhere, with all currencies. The Mark is an identifier, like a credit card; currency is irrelevant and no part of the Bible's prophesy. A one-world currency is not prophesied, is not needed for fulfillment of the prophesy, and will never be practical. Imagine Zimbabwe trying to adopt the US dollar...

    All the best!
