Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Economy: Your Take

I'm so tired of hearing people, who know absolutely nothing about economics, spout off about how President Bush has ruined our economy. I'm equally tired of no one asking these people to explain WHY they think President Bush is responsible. I'm opening this post up to the masses (or the 4 people who actually read this) to comment about what you think has caused our recent economic woes. Who do you think is to blame, and what needs to be done to fix it? I'll come back later with my take on things.


  1. I thought it was triggered by all the bad home loans that were made. Not sure why the companies loaned money to people who couldn't afford them. I think there was probably a lot of greed on the part of both the buyers and the selllers. Having said that, the economy does run in cycles and it has been pretty good for a long time, so it was probably time for a downturn.

  2. BILL CLINTON IS TO BLAME!! (I'm just kidding!....maybe...) :-)

    I agree with your statement - everyone has an opinion but no one can actually express WHY that's their opinion. Looking forward to hearing what you have to say about it all.

  3. May have had something to do with those skyrocketing oil prices too.

  4. I think a lot of people are under the impression that it makes sense to blame the president for the state of the economy. I never really understood that because a lot of stuff is beyond his control (i.e. 9/11) or actually a power of congress (taxing and spending).
